What’s Included:
Visually engaging, expert answers to the following common questions:
Vaginal Recovery:
How can I get pain relief?
Is tearing normal?
What happened down there?
Will it take forever to get back to “normal”?
*C-Section recovery:
Is my scar healing correctly or is in infected?
This is taking forever to heal; is that ok?
How will I get in and out of bed?
How can I get blood flow to promote healing if I'm not supposed to exercise?
Is an abdominal binder good?
Can I wear compression garments under my clothes?
The Scary Bathroom questions:
Is leaking pee acceptable?
What's the best posture and position?
How can I fully empty my bladder?
Can I do Kegels on the toilet?
What if my kids are knocking the door down while I'm in the bathroom?
How do I poop without fear?
What to worry about:
Is this a reason to contact my healthcare provider, or am I being paranoid?
Is this a red light or green light of my postpartum body?
How much bleeding or mucousy discharge is ok?
Would my doc be concerned about this symptom?
Does every new birthing parent experience heavy bleeding?
How can I alleviate breast engorgement?
Why am I having a pain flare?
What happened to my body?
What is “diaphragmatic breathing”?
How can I alleviate pelvic floor pressure?
Where was my body affected?
How can I reconnect to this post-baby body?
Postpartum products:
Which postpartum products are actually needed?
Are Sitz baths actually helpful?
Health routines:
Can I do yoga yet?
What’s the simplest routine to start back up again?
Will I feel more tired if I start exercising?
Can I lift weights?
Can I do Kegels or other pelvic exercises?
Is it ok that I don’t want to have sex?
Is masturbating okay?
If I feel pressure to “give” my partner sex, what can I do?
Are orgasms going to mess up my pelvic floor?
Can I have an orgasm now?
An incredible wealth of knowledge from:
5 Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists
2 Board Certified Women's Clinical Specialists
Board Certified OB-GYN
Registered Dietitian
EMDR-trained Psychotherapist
Yoga Therapist